Collaboration For Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research

CASPER 2009 Workshop Sign-Up

September 28 - October 2, 2009 @ Cape Town, South Africa

Please sign up here if you are interested in attending the CASPER workshop September 28 - October 2, 2009

For more info on the CASPER Summer 2009 Workshop check the Workshop Wiki Page.

Attendance is free, and SKA-SA has limited financial aid available for students. Financial aid selection will be based on merit, at the discretion of SKA-SA. Those wishing to apply can email a short motivation, by June 30th, to Alan Langman.

To update a previous registration, enter your email address:

Attendee Details:

E-mail Address:
Verify E-mail Address:
Contact Phone:
Cellular Phone Number (reachable during workshop):

I would like to present a short talk.
Preliminary Title:

Tentative Abstract:

Additional Details and/or Dietary Requirements:

Arrival Information:


Airline/Flight #/Airport:

Departure Information:


Airline/Flight #/Airport:


The 2009 Summer CASPER Workshop is generously being hosted by SKA South Africa.